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The Swiss one-man web agency "GREG.CH" specialized in web development and design for clients worldwide. Complete e-business, social and e-commerce platforms, web applications, websites, graphics and more. Clients on five continents chose GREG.CH for their projects.


photo Gregor Lemmenmeier photo Gregor Lemmenmeier 2021
Greg worked in full-service for over 12 years as a freelance web developer + designer + writer and web consultant. PHP 8.2 coding, MySQL 8 databases, HTML 5, CSS 3, Javascript, jQuery, Python, User Experience, Design, Text and SEO. On the side, Greg composed creative music.
Swiss Web Agency for companies
Customers served: Startups, corporations, communities, e-stores, banks, brokers, CEOs, associations, publishers, schools, hotels, law firms, doctors, photo studios, musicians etc.

Key factors of successful websites: A short, memorable domain. Google optimization (search results). A start page that gets to the point quickly and has *all* important info. A simple but effective logo. Simple, clear and error-free texts. A unique design / layout. Good-looking typefonts. Short loading times. Interesting content and images. Simple, clear contact methods. Web links to social media pages (Facebook etc.) and perhaps the most important factor: A positive, friendly website that is at once engaging & inspiring! Be sure to use success factors of websites

inlayFact: More than 50% of all website visitors use mobile devices (i.e. Android phones, iPhones, iPads etc.) but most websites are not optimized for that. They are hard to use, read and navigate. An experienced webdesign agency can develop additional layouts and menus to make a website 'responsive'. Google punishes sites by downgrading if they're not mobile-friendly! Responsive web design mobile-optimized

On the internet, there are *many* expensive websites that are worthless because they hardly generate user traffic. When testing the quality of the SEO with the website's primary keyphrases, a good site will be on the first two SERPs in Google. Only this test will prove the SEO skills of the web developer and show that they understand Google Search Engine Optimization, an often difficult art mastered only by the best web experts. Great Google Rankings for your keywords

New websites should always run via secure SSL connection. Web browsers give visual cues such as a lock icon or a green bar and 'https://' to make sure visitors know that their connection is secured. This means that they will trust your website. In addition, Google has confirmed that SSL encrypted websites rank higher in search results. SSL is a must. Safe SSL encryption https:// for every site

PHP is the programming language that 79% of all websites are built on (according to, and its version is set at the server-level by your hosting company. Most websites were programmed in version 7, but this old version is now outdated. When your hosting company stops support for PHP 7, it's possible that your website does NOT work anymore! In this case, you will need a web developer who re-programs the website to make it compatible with PHP 8.2. There is a similar problem with Google Maps in websites which should be replaced by OSM. Use new programming language: PHP 8.2

A fast-loading website is a must. Not only will it keep visitors longer on the site, fast-loading websites will rank better in the Google search results (as confirmed by Google itself). Also, with the high number of different Javascript (.js) and CSS (.css) files in modern websites, most developers fail at bundling it all together in a compact way and reducing the number of web server requests when a site is loaded. This can be solved. Fewer server requests by file optimization

Sadly, most websites contain writing errors. This shows a lack of respect for the users. A good web developer ensures that new sites don't contain any typos. Also, so-called SEO Copywriting is used to integrate the relevant Google search terms into the texts. And finally, websites in German should contain an English version as the web is world wide. Page texts and SEO error-free/multilingual

complex web solutions
It's interesting to see how a developer has worked. Just go through these case studies that document 3 of the GREG.CH web projects.
Download study:  PDF1 PDF2 PDF3

© Gregor Lemmenmeier, Rebweg 2, CH-8134 Adliswil — WEB | EMAIL

 ★★★★★ GREG.CH is currently number ONE in website quality. Here are the official test results:  
SEO Score:  See with this very strict test whether this website was optimized for better Google search results (Search Engine Optimization). Compare the SEO scores of the competitors! GREG.CH is the only Swiss site getting 100%.100% !  Global Score:  Was this site built using best practices? The very strict YellowLab test checks a website for its quality. The most important Swiss site scores 0%, GREG.CH 100%.100% !  Performance:  Analyze with the Google PageSpeed Test how high the performance of this website is. Compare: the most important Swiss website scores 49%, GREG.CH 100%.100% !  HTML:  Test whether the currently displayed page of this website is valid (perfect) or invalid. Then compare with the websites of web design competitors — they often have site errors...0 Errors !  CSS:  Test whether the CSS code (stylesheet) of this website was developed with or without errors. Then compare with the sites of the competitors (who often make CSS mistakes).0 Errors !  WAVE:  This tool checks a website for conformance with accessibility standards to ensure that the webpage content can be easily accessed by everyone including people with disabilites.0 Errors !  PHP:  80% of all websites run on servers with the programming language PHP. But many (old) websites have still not been upgraded to the up-to-date, safer and faster PHP version (8.2).8.2 !  Responsive:  Check on a PC or Mac how this website looks on all the user devices most often used today. You can also test some other websites that you know. Have they been built 'responsive'?OK ! 

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